September 13, 2019
To: UCAR Member Representatives
From: UCAR Members Nominating Committee
RE: 2019 Members Nominating Committee Report
The UCAR Members' Nominating Committee met in Boulder on June 13, 2019, to consider nominations for positions on the Board of Trustees and Member committees. The nominations from the Members' Representatives and other community members for Trustee and Member committee slates were collected and given to the Members Nominating Committee in advance of their meeting.
The Nominating Committee considered all nominations and deliberated extensively to develop well-balanced groups of candidates for the Board of Trustees, the President’s Advisory Committee on University Relations (PACUR), and the Membership and Members Nominating Committees. The Nominating Committee sought to retain important expertise and high-level experience while also promoting a Board and Committees that represent the breadth of disciplines, institutions, and identity characteristics of the overall UCAR Membership.
Respectfully submitted,
Yvette Richardson-Chair, Pennsylvania State University
Lourdes B. Aviles-Trustee Liaison, Plymouth State University
Teresa Bals-Elsholz, Valparaiso University
Cecilia Bitz, University of Washington
Carol Ann Clayson, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Jeff Collett, Colorado State University
Noah Diffenbaugh, Stanford University
Keah Schuenemann, Metropolitan State University of Denver
Sepi Yalda, Millersville University of Pennsylvania
2019 Nominees:
UCAR Board of Trustees:
Personal Statements and biographical information for each candidate are provided at the links below.
Institutional Trustee: 3-year term
Susan Avery, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, CV
Rana Fine, University of Miami, CV
Michael Freilich, Oregon State University, CV
Kathy Jacobs, University of Arizona, CV
Vernon Morris, Howard University, CV
Harlan Spence, University of New Hampshire, CV
Stephen G. Wells, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, CV
Trustee-at-large: 3-year term
James E. Geringer, Environmental Systems Research Institute, CV
Sherri Goodman, Woodrow Wilson International Center, CV
Members Committees:
Biographical information is provided at links below.
President's Advisory Committee on University Relations (PACUR):
PACUR Members are elected as a slate for a 3-year term
Suzana Camargo, Columbia University
Kevin Goebbert, Valparaiso University
Kirk Maasch, University of Maine
Nicole Molders, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Kevin Reed, State University of New York, Stony Brook
Walt Robinson, North Carolina State University
Elizabeth Walsh, San Jose State University
Allison Wing, Florida State University
Shang-Ping Xie, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Membership Committee:
Membership Committee Members are elected as a slate for a 3-year term
Kelly Lombardo, Pennsylvania State University
Clint Rowe, University of Nebraska
Charles Stanier, University of Iowa
Kim Wood, Mississippi State University
Members Nominating Committee:
Of the six candidates, four are to be elected for a 3-year term
Dan Cziczo, Purdue University
Belay Demoz, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Jung-Eun Lee, Brown University
Robert Rauber, University of Illinois
Ramalingam Saravana, Texas A&M University
Tiffany Shaw, University of Chicago