The UCAR President’s Advisory Committee on University Relations (PACUR) has established a community engagement fund, funded by the UCAR President's Office, with the goal of building and extending the UCAR Earth system science community of researchers, faculty, teachers, students of all levels, and the general public community members. 

The PCEF fund will meet this goal by supporting activities hosted by UCAR university members, in collaboration with partnering entities, that aim to achieve one or more of the following: 

  • Enhance instruction relating to UCAR science at all education levels
  • Improve the dissemination of UCAR research to policy makers and the public
  • Apply UCAR science to address the needs of local communities
  • Build community capacity for interdisciplinary, convergent, and use-oriented research

Who may apply?

Proposals must be led by a UCAR Member Institution and include at least one other partnering entity (which does not need to be a UCAR member).  Proposals should also indicate a UCAR, UCP, or NSF NCAR staff person who would participate.

What may be proposed?

PCEF proposals are invited for activities that advance the above objectives. Possibilities include, but are not limited to, workshops that build authentic and interdisciplinary partnerships, short courses or other educational and outreach opportunities for students or stakeholders, and public participatory science (citizen science).

Activities favored for PCEF support are those that are not readily supported by existing institutional or research grant funds. Proposals should state explicitly how they will help to build an engaged community around UCAR science.

Proposed activity should be be completed before August, 2026 and the final report submitted to PACUR before September 1, 2026.

How may funds be used?

Funds must be spent for a new activity, or a substantive addition to an existing activity.  Proposals can include funding for expert facilitators, speakers, travel, facilities, publications, materials and supplies, and catering, but no alcohol. Limited salary support for senior project personnel is allowed, but it must be justified within the proposal.

Proposals can allow up to 26% indirect rate and the budget may include administrative support. Joint funding or co-sponsorship is welcome, but not required. Any co-sponsorship should be fully described within the proposal. (Limited salary support for senior project personnel is allowed, but must be justified within the proposal.) Project funds must be spent before September 1, 2026.

Funds will be provided in three installments: at the time of signed award contract, at the project midway point, and after the final report is submitted. The host university will need to submit invoices for the fund installments. The final invoice must be received before September 15, 2026.

Number and Size of Awards

The goal of this program is to fund 3-5 activities a year, depending on the amounts requested. Requests should not exceed $50,000.


  • October 1, 2024 to November 30, 2024: Pre-submit check in (see below for details)
  • January 30, 2025: Application deadline
  • February 2025: PACUR review. Some proposals may have an opportunity to respond to the reviewer comments and resubmit.
  • March 31, 2025: Resubmit deadline, if applicable
  • April 30, 2025: Final decisions announced
  • August 1, 2026: Activity must be held by this date
  • September 1, 2026: Final report due to PACUR, including a two page public summary
  • September 15, 2026: Final invoice due

 Application process

1.0 Pre-submittal:

PACUR highly recommends that people interested in submitting a PCEF application send in a pre-submittal summary that addresses the pointes below to make sure the proposal meets the program's criteria. PACUR members will review the summary and provide guidance for a proposal application.

The pre-submittal summary is limited to 500 words and must address the following questions:

  • What is the proposed activity?
  • Who are the lead and partnering entities?
  • Who are the intended participants?
  • What are the goals of the activity?
  • What is the proposed timeline for the activity?
  • How will the results of this activity be disseminated to the UCAR community and beyond?

PACUR will review the summaries and make sure the proposal meets the criteria for the following questions:

  • Is the lead entity a UCAR Member university?
  • Does the activity include participation from a UCAR, UCP, or NSF NCAR staff person?
  • Does the activity include collaboration from a partnering entity?
  • Can the activity be completed by August 1, 2026?
  • Is the activity a new activity, or substantially supplementing an existing activity?

Email a pre-submittal for PACUR's review and feedback to rdammann@ucar.edu.

2.01 PCEF Proposal

Submit the PCEF Application (questions are outlined below for reference)

PCEF Application Form:

Lead Institution

  • Name and contact information for the lead person
  • Brief statement for how that entity will contribute to/participate in the proposed activity
  • 2 page CV for that person

Partnering entities

  • Name and contact information for the lead partnering person
  • Brief state for how that entity will contribute to/participate in the proposed activity
  • 2 page CV for that person

UCAR, UCP, or NSF NCAR participant

  • Name and contact information for the lead person from UCAR, UCP, or NSF NCAR
  • Brief statement for how this person will participate in the proposed activity

Project Description

  • Title
  • Summary
  • How will the proposed activity build relationships and engagement within and beyond the UCAR  community?
  • A statement of specific outcomes that will benefit the UCAR community and beyond.
  • A list of all entities and organizations that will be invited to participate in the activity. 
  • A detailed budget, including contributions from any co-sponsors. The budget should include a proposed schedule of payment of funds over the life of the award (amount and date at the execution of the award, midway point, and end) and should contain line items explaining costs of the activity. For example: room rental, catering, travel, speaker fees, indirect rate, etc.
  • The plan to disseminate the outcomes of the activity to the UCAR community and beyond.

Proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:


  • Is the lead entity a UCAR Member university?
  • Does the activity include participation from a UCAR, UCP, or NSF NCAR staff person?
  • Does the activity include collaboration from a partnering entity?
  • Can the activity be completed by August 1, 2026?
  • Is the activity a new activity, or does it substantially supplement an existing activity?

How well...

  • does the proposed activity build relationships and engagement within and beyond the UCAR community?
  • does the proposal describe specific outcomes that will benefit the UCAR community and beyond?
  • does the list of all entities and organizations that will be invited to participate in the activity support the goals of the proposed activity and objectives of the PCEF?
  • does the budget describe the costs associated with the activity, and are these costs a reasonable use of the PCEF funds?
  • does the plan to disseminate the outcomes of the activity to the UCAR community and beyond?

How well will the proposed activity achieve at least one of the objectives outlined below?

  • Enhance instruction relating to UCAR science at all education levels
  • Improve the dissemination of UCAR research to policy makers and the public
  • Champion a range of participants in UCAR research 
  • Apply UCAR science to address the needs of local communities
  • Build community capacity for interdisciplinary, convergent, and use-oriented research

3.0 Re-submit Opportunity

PACUR will review proposals and provide feedback and the opportunity to address questions or concerns for proposals they deem are close to qualifying for an award. A request for more information does not guarantee an award.

Final Report

Funded Projects are required to submit a report by September 1, 2026. This report should be submitted as an email attachment to rdammann@ucar.edu. It should include:

  • a brief description of the activity
  • a description of its outcomes, including plans for subsequent publications or grant proposals, other follow-on activities, etc.
  • a description of how these outcomes have been or will be disseminated
  • an assessment: which aspects of the activity were successful and which were less so
  • a list of activity participants and their affiliations
  • a two page summary report that will be shared publicly and on the UCAR website

Projects are encouraged to attach or link photographs and/or video with their reports.


Email Rachel Dammann at rdammann@ucar.edu for more information.