The following is our umbrella corporate Code of Conduct, which applies to all of our staff as well as any individual who accesses a facility owned, operated, or managed by UCAR.
Whether our work is centered in NSF NCAR, UCP, or in UCAR administration, one of the fundamental qualities that connects us as a community is how we treat one another, our visitors, collaborators, and everyone else we interact with in the course of our work.
As a community, we are committed to fostering and sustaining an ethical and welcoming work environment. High ethical standards and integrity are foundational to everything we do. Every member of the UCAR community has an important role in this.
In our daily interactions we strive to
- treat others with respect,
- be honest in all we do, and
- have the courage to step forward if something just doesn’t seem right.
We are committed to acting with integrity and accountability in all our endeavors.
As a custodian of public funds and manager of research projects and facilities, UCAR has an obligation to act in a manner deserving of public trust and respect in all that we do. This Code of Conduct reflects this commitment.
It is important for everyone to become familiar and comply with the laws, rules, and regulations, as well as UCAR policies and procedures that apply to their work, funding agreements, and research results.
While no code of conduct, specific policy, or ethics rule can fully reflect the values that each of us brings to work every day, the guiding values expressed in UCAR's Strategic Plan provide a framework:
- Scientific integrity
- Collaboration and partnerships
- Innovation and agility
- Transparency and open access
- Fiscal accountability
To that framework we add:
- Health, safety, and environmental sustainability
- Privacy, confidentiality, and use of UCAR systems
- Non-retaliation
Scientific integrity
We conduct ourselves at all times in accordance with the highest professional and community ethical standards.
The integrity of our research and overall work relies on each individual's honesty and forthrightness. Engaging in fraudulent or illegal conduct or promoting disrespect for laws, regulations, or UCAR policies puts an individual's reputation and that of UCAR at risk.
Collaboration and partnerships
We encourage mutual respect and professionalism.
We strive to maintain a work environment that is free from all forms of harassment, intimidation, and violence. UCAR does not tolerate any form of such behavior, whether directed toward employees or external personnel interacting with our organization.
Innovation and agility
The very nature of the research, education, and facilities that we support encourages creativity in solving challenging problems.
UCAR asks all employees to commit their creativity and energy first and foremost to the responsibilities of their position and our shared mission. Any work for others should not interfere with UCAR responsibilities. Everyone must avoid, or appropriately manage, all conflicts of interest, financial or otherwise.
UCAR has an obligation to report all federally funded inventions to our funding agencies and asks the inventors, software developers, and other innovators in our organization for help in doing so.
Transparency and open access
Our mission and activities usually allow us to make research results, data, and software available to the public. Our education and outreach mission includes open access to many of our publications.
Our mission requires and supports the open exchange of information with funding sponsors, the research and education community, and others. We encourage the sharing of scientific work and opinions, but no individual should ever represent their opinion as a UCAR or NSF NCAR position on any matter.
No one is allowed to present official UCAR positions or lobby without the express permission of the UCAR president.
Fiscal accountability
We hold one another to the highest ethical standards in all fiscal matters.
UCAR’s role as a manager of federally funded programs, including NSF NCAR, is to provide thoughtful, effective oversight that allows our science, education and service to thrive. UCAR works in partnership with our contract and grant recipients, offering services to guide the financial, contractual, legal and logistical aspects of all our scientific work.
We are also committed to avoiding any situation that could give rise to an appearance of or actual favoritism. Employees should never give or receive anything of value that could be perceived as constituting an unfair advantage.
Health, safety, environmental sustainability
We value the health and safety of one another and of our work environment.
UCAR strives to maintain a safe workplace and deploy environmentally friendly materials and practices. We provide formal training, support and guidance in meeting numerous health and safety standards and to encourage a healthy work-life balance.
Privacy, confidentiality, use of UCAR systems
We respect one another's privacy and protect confidential information.
UCAR requires that certain kinds of information be kept confidential, including certain personally identifiable information (PII) and the nonpublic confidential information and documents of UCAR and third parties. Everyone must also honor the privacy of personal matters that are not to be made public.
Use of UCAR-provided computer and information systems must be primarily for the performance of the research and administrative needs of UCAR.
We are committed to a culture of open and honest communication.
UCAR is committed to providing the means to raise work-related concerns for resolution, and individuals will be free from retaliation for doing so.
UCAR will not retaliate against an individual who, in good faith, raises a legitimate complaint against any UCAR employee with regard to an unethical activity, questionable accounting or financial practice, or violation of law, regulation, or policy.
We share responsibility for the integrity of our organization.
A seemingly small decision to “look the other way,” not reporting a potential conflict of interest or other ethical infraction, may have catastrophic consequences to the individual and the organization.
UCAR provides multiple channels for asking ethics-related questions in confidence and reporting inappropriate conduct anonymously. Please see: