Earth System Science fellows have the opportunity to collaborate with any of UCAR/NSF NCAR science teams on their research topic of choice, either at NSF NCAR or within UCAR Community Programs (UCP). This fellowship track provides an excellent opportunity to spend time collaborating closely with leading experts in your field in order to further your research interests. Applicants are encouraged to identify ways in which their individual research interests might align with the Fellowship’s goals around Science and its impact on Society. 

Given the breadth of research conducted across UCAR, it is up to each applicant to identify which lab or person they would like to collaborate with during their fellowship. It is also advisable to contact the researchers you might like to work with before submitting your application to ensure their availability and interest in working with you. Remember, you are considered the Principal Investigator of this research project, so it is up to you to identify potential collaborators and research topics. Here are some tips for identifying possible Track Mentors: 

  1. Consult with your graduate advisor. Ask if they have any collaborators or colleagues working at UCAR/NSF NCAR. 
  2. Explore the authors of journal articles related to your research and identify people employed at UCAR/NSF NCAR. 
  3. Explore the UCAR (https://www.ucar.edu/ucp), the NSF NCAR program (https://ncar.ucar.edu/who-we-are/labs), and staff contact (https://staff.ucar.edu/browse/orgs/a-z) webpages to identify research groups that align with your interests.

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