Our labs and programs within UCAR | NCAR enable research, discovery, and education across Earth system science.
UCAR Community Programs:
- COMET: COMET advances geoscience workforce expertise worldwide through innovative, customized training solutions and capacity building tailored to community needs. Download brochure.
- Cooperative Programs for the Advancement of Earth System Science: CPAESS provides experience, value, and expert management tailored to meet the specific needs of the Earth system science community. We develop customizable solutions to complex scientific challenges by advancing research capabilities, building community collaborations, and fostering scientific leadership and workforce. Download the brochure.
- COSMIC: The Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (COSMIC) Program provides innovative and cost-effective remote sensing observations, data products, and data utilization support, focusing primarily on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), to benefit scientific research, research to operations, operations, and education and training in the atmospheric and related sciences. Download the brochure.
- Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation: The JCSDA is an interagency partnership consisting of NOAA, NASA, the US Navy and Air Force. The JCSDA assimilates many types of data from conventional and satellite sources by creating integrated modeling systems. They transition this research to operational and university communities through a robust data infrastructure and open-source software. Download the brochure.
- UCAR Center for Science Education: SciEd develops state-of-the-art educational experiences that connectUCAR/NCAR science to all kinds of learners, creating pathways toward a scientifically literate society. Download the brochure.
- Unidata: Unidata's mission is to transform the geosciences community, research, and education by providing innovative data services and tools. Unidata is a diverse community of higher education and research institutions with the common goals of sharing geoscience data and collaborating to develop software tools to access, analyze, and visualize the data. Download the brochure.
NCAR Labs & Programs:
- Atmospheric Chemistry Observations & Modeling Laboratory: ACOM's mission is to advance understanding of and predictive capability for atmospheric composition and related processes, and to provide intellectual leadership and facility support to the wider community.
- Climate & Global Dynamics Laboratory: CGD's mission is to discover the key processes in each component of the Earth’s climate system and to understand the interactions among them; to represent this knowledge in community models that effectively utilize computing advances; and to apply these models and observations to scientific problems of societal relevance. Download the brochure.
- Computational & Information Systems Laboratory: CISL supports the geosciences with world-class computing, data management, and research in computational science, data assimilation, and machine learning. Download the brochure.
- Earth Observing Laboratory: EOL's primary mission is to provide leadership in observing facilities, field project support, and research and data services needed to advance the scientific understanding of the Earth system. EOL manages the majority of the National Science Foundation’s Lower Atmosphere Observing Facilities and deploys them in support of observational field campaigns for researchers from universities, government agencies, and NCAR and in support of education. Download the brochure.
- Education & Early Career Development: The EdEC office strives to inspire, engage, and inform the public about the atmospheric and related sciences; entrain and prepare a highly skilled and diverse workforce for careers in Earth system science; and support the university community in educating students in these fields. Download brochures for Advanced Study Program and Research Experiences for Undergraduates.
- High Altitude Observatory: HAO's mission is to understand the behavior of the Sun and its impact on Earth; to support, enhance, and extend the capabilities of the university community; and to foster the transfer of knowledge and technology. Download the brochure.
- Mesoscale & Microscale Meteorology Laboratory: MMM's mission is to advance the science of atmospheric prediction through understanding of the mesoscale and microscale aspects of weather and climate, and to apply this knowledge to benefit society. Download the brochure.
- Research Applications Laboratory: RAL conducts fundamental and use-inspired research that contributes to the understanding of the Earth system; extends the capabilities of the scientific community; and transfers knowledge and technology for the betterment of society. Download the brochure.