Members Reps:

We ask that you let us know as soon as possible if you plan to send a substitute or permanent replacement representative to the meeting. Please remember that a letter (see sample below) from the applicable dean, chancellor, provost or department chair should be sent to the UCAR Governance Office before the meetings begin to formally designate the substitute to act on behalf of the official member representative. This allows the substitute to vote and for UCAR to pay for travel expenses.

To: Aneka Finley, Assistant Director,  Governance


In accordance with the UCAR Bylaws, I wish to designate Dr. XX as the official substitute for Dr. YY at the UCAR Annual Members' Meeting to be held DD-DD October 20XX.

Dr. XX can be reached at

(insert mailing address/tel.)

or by email (insert email address).


(needs to be signed by the the appropriate dean, chancellor, provost or department chair)