To: UCAR Members

From: UCAR Membership Committee

Re: 2020 Membership Committee Report

This year, the committee considered the renewal applications of fourteen member universities.  There was one new member application for consideration.

On August 6, 2020, the Membership Committee conducted a virtual meeting where we voted to recommend the approval of fourteen renewing member applications. The new member application from the University of Texas El Paso was also recommended for approval. 

Respectfully submitted,

Richard Dixon, Texas State University, San Marcos, Chair

Brad Barrett, U.S. Naval Academy

Redina Finch, Western Illinois University

Mary Hudson, Dartmouth College

Kris Karnauskas, University of Colorado

Kelly Lombardo, Pennsylvania State University

Alison Nugent, University of Hawaii

Clint Rowe, University of Nebraska

Karen Shell, Oregon State University

Charles Stanier, University of Iowa

Bob Street, Stanford University

Kim Wood, Mississippi State University


Institutions Applying for Membership

Renewing Member Institutions